How do I upload profile image?
You can upload your avatar by tapping your profile, then tapping the circle on the banner.
iOS permissions
Versions for iPhone and iPad will allow you to choose to either Take Photo or Select Image From Gallery. In cases where black screen appears when selecting "Take Photo" option, you may need to enable camera access in app settings.
To set iOS camera permissions manually follow these steps:
- Open "Settings"
- Open "Apps"
- Select "Backgammon"
- Enable "Camera" under "Allow Backgammon to Access"
Uploading profile image on Android
To upload a profile image on Android, you have to permit Backgammon Masters app to access media and photos on your device. When you attempt to upload the photo for the first time you will be prompted to do so. If you have denied this access previously, you may have to check Android settings and enable it manually.
To set Android permissions manually follow these steps:
- Open "Settings"
- Open "Apps"
- Select "Backgammon Masters"
- Select "Storage"
- Select "Allowed"
Uploading profile image on Mac
On MacOS the procedure is similar except you will be able to select from "Defaults", "Recents" or "Other". Select "Other" to upload an image from your hard drive.